Welcome to this new era of technology where you can remotely or rather wirelessly control your devices on the go and what more do you expect when a very simple app can do this wonder for you! The name of this application is ‘Knock’. It has already been released and welcomed with great reviews worldwide.
Root your LG Nexus 5 now
We all know that Nexus 5 released on October 31st and 16GB Nexus 5 went out of stock within 16 minutes at some store while in 33 minutes at other. This time Google has been able to manage with supply better than previous year.
Google launches Google Helpouts today
Google today added a new product to its line – Google Helpouts. It is a simple website which will allow the users to get in touch with some professional experts and pay them accordingly.
Apple plans to demean Microsoft’s future with free iWork
Apple puts the ball in Microsoft’s court yet again. Apple decided to give away their OS X upgrades and softwares including the iWork productivity suite and thus challenging Microsoft in a very subtle manner.
Tips For Securing Your Business Equipment When Traveling A Long Distance
Taking your business equipment with you when you go places may not be very easy – especially when you’re traveling long distance. You need some of it to be able to get the job done, so you have to be cautious about what you pack and how you pack it.
iSkelter Classic Station and Type Calendar – Keep Your Work Station Organized
We always want to remove clutter from our office or workstation but it is not easy because we put a lot of stuffs on the desk. A clean desk does not only looks better but also helps increase our working productivity as we can find things easier.