When selecting which browser to use to enhance productivity, users basically refer to HTML 5 compliance, one of the benchmarks to gauge a browser’s speed. The higher the mark, the faster the browser. Against this backdrop, Google Chrome comes bustling with 463 points out of 500, followed by Opera with 404 points, Firefox with 393, Internet Explorer […]
How Google Glass Will Spy on Your Privacy
By the time Google launches the Glass later this year, privacy proponents will have mounted a fierce opposition against the gadget that will surely invade people’s personal lives, even the way they tie their shoe laces.
The Ultimate Guide to Sharing Everything on Mac
Your Mac is a powerhouse for networking and sharing. From the usual capabilities that we are used to, like the ability to share printers to unique features like AirDrop, Mac allows for multiple ways to share between computers. However, not all Mac users know where these opportunities lie.
Motorola X not a single Phone but a New Brand to compete against Galaxy
Many rumors were circling around about the new Motorola X phone to be launched by Google to start the new line of products under the Motorola roof, but it turns out that Motorola X is not a single device but is a co-brand like Samsung Galaxy or SONY Xperia.
Is this the new LG Nexus 5?
Recently, a new image has surfaced over the internet, possibly showing the new Nexus 5 from LG.
Frequently Asked Questions About Dispatching Software, Including How It Integrates with Other Business Systems
Dispatching software is essential for businesses that manage complex logistics and dispatch operations. However, many companies have questions about how dispatching software works, how much it costs, and how long it takes to implement. We’ll address some of the most common questions about dispatching software.