Back in December, Belkin showed its intentions that they are interesting in buying the Cisco’s Linksys division when Cisco declared that it wanted to quit the consumer business by selling their Linksys unit so that it can focus more on the corporate software and technology services.
Alleged Photos of iPhone 5S and iPhone 6 Components Leaked
Hard on the heels of the iPhone 5 release a few months ago, rumors of the new generation of Apple handset have been making the rounds in the Internet, indicating an earlier-than-expected rollout of iPhone 5S and iPhone 6, as they are referred to. Initial reports pegged the launch of the former at Q1 2013.
Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 Pictures Confirm the new Note
Rumors were there about the new Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 which was expected to release in the early months of 2013.
Music Lovers Would Love Lumia 820 More With Dolby Headphone
Nokia seems to be upping the music experience of Lumia 820 users with the addition of Dolby Headphone technology to the smartphone, bringing with it a better audio clarity and a more natural sound quality – as if you are bombarded with a complete set of loud speakers around.
Space Settlers: The Newest Sci-Fi Multiplayer Game for iOS
Imagine placing yourself in a world where Stephen Hawkins has placed his brain in the Internet. With the dark time-travelling energy of the god particle harvested, it is now our mission to explore the final frontier.
Nokia Confirms 808 PureView the last Symbian OS Device
Symbian OS is now officially dead according to Nokia. In a recent statement, Nokia confirmed that the 808 PureView was the last device to have Symbian OS in it.