We all must have been familiar with big screens installing on streets or airports for the purpose of advertising. The screen you see could be a single large screen or a video wall. This post will focus on only video wall because it is more popular and has some absolute advantages.
4 Places To Look For Great Post Ideas
Everything starts with an idea. A post that reaches the front page of Digg stemmed from a good idea. A post that garners long-term, steady traffic stemmed from a good idea. If you don’t have a steady stream of post ideas, you’ll write less often and you blog will suffer. These four places are where […]
Samsung Galaxy Player 3.6 Review
For quite some time now, Samsung has been one of the leading production brands for Android devices in the market. It has launched amazing products and guaranteed customer satisfaction. Following up to the needs of the customer, Samsung has now set eyes upon the lower end market. It is launching products which will suit your […]
A Look at Windows 8, OS X Mountain Lion and Ubuntu 12.04
Each of the three leading operating systems are looking at some major facelifts this year. Everyone has their own (usually strong) opinions when it comes to OS’s, but with the direction personal computing is headed, there are a lot of things to consider.
Tips To Make Guest Posting A Positive Experience For You And Your Writers
Guest posting has always been a great way to build Google ranking and make connections with bloggers in your niche, but lately experts have been praising it even more than usual. With all of these Google updates, people are starting to realize that their scams and cheap tricks are going to start working less and […]
10 Must Have Widgets for the Mac OS X Lion Dashboard
The MAC Dashboard had two sides to the same coin. Users felt it was a good release update and yet it had certain imperfections. You can make better use of your MAC Dashboard with the help of these widgets. These widgets will make your MAC experience more illustrative. You can modify settings and as per […]