Do the words “cool” and “library” really belong in the same sentence? With all the technology and innovation in today’s libraries thanks to forward-thinking librarians, the answer is a resounding “Yes!” Better yet, with the Master of Management in Library and Information Science from the University of Southern California Marshall School of Business, you will obtain an advantage in the field and “mold the leaders of tomorrow’s information culture” with cool technology.
In fact, Frankie Rendón, a digital marketer and content strategist, recently illustrated exactly how technology changes libraries. As Rendón explains, “technology has changed the expectations of library patrons; people today expect to be able to find and access information from wherever they are.” Rendón is right. Libraries are no longer places with dark aisles of dusty books and the stereotypical elderly librarian threatening anyone who dares to speak above a whisper. Today’s libraries are bustling technology centers offering computers for use inside the library and e-readers for further reading at home. Public libraries offer mobile and online access to their collections, e-books and audio books, research centers, archives, and databases.
So, what is some of the cool tech you can work with in your library career after you earn your online library science degree? We chose three of the most widely offered and popular technologies to get you started. Once you earn your MMLIS degree, you’ll have the know-how to create your own list of cool tech tools.
3 Key Technologies for Your Library Career

Library H3lp
A March 2014 PewResearch survey found that 44% of all Americans identify “getting help from librarian finding information” as an important library service. That’s why librarians use Library H3lp for real-time website chat, text messages with patrons, and 24/7 self-service support for library web visitors. Library H3lp provides several key integration features, including compatibility with mobile apps such as Boopsie and compatibility with any CMS. Library H3lp is a cool technology solution that keeps librarians in touch with their patrons.
Library patrons rely on librarians for assistance, but busy librarians can’t always show each patron how to use all of their library’s services. Screenr takes that pressure off librarians, because it is a web-based screen recorder that simplifies the process of creating and sharing screencasts on the web. Librarians record their presentation or explanation, capture their screen and voice, and share the link for their patrons to access anytime from anywhere with a web browser. Screenr is another cool technology solution for libraries.
Library patrons expect to access their local library account from anywhere, just as they access their email, bank, and other mobile accounts. SirsiDynix BookMyne is an industry-leading mobile app for any library that installs its web services. It provides access to in-demand library information, holdings, and services. Librarians also choose BookMyne+ for a customized version of the app. BookMyne works in nine languages, is compatible with Android devices and iPhones, and features barcode-scanning capability. BookMyne is definitely a cool tech tool you’ll want to use in your library career after you earn your MMLIS degree.
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