The last thing you want to do in 2022 is spend money when you don’t have to – even on an antivirus program. Do you really need one these days, anyway? Don’t phones and computers come with built-in security?
Yes, they do come with some level of protection, but it’s often not adequate. You do need antivirus software, and it might even be worth paying for. Antivirus software can protect your device from malware and viruses, phishing emails, ransomware, and hackers. And these threats are only becoming more commonplace as time passes, even for Mac users. You need to know your security needs and choose an antivirus suite that can meet them. Read on to learn what you need to know.

Ransomware, Malware, and Other Cyber Threats Remain Commonplace
Computer viruses are very much still a threat to the average user, as are malware like adware and spyware, and ransomware, which hackers use to hold your system or your data for ransom, trying to make you pay up. New viruses and malware are coming out all the time, and in staggering quantities: in 2021, there were 116.85 million new malware programs targeting Windows, and in the first half of 2022, there have been 30.53 million. More than three million new Android threats emerged in 2021, and nearly 600,000 emerged in the first six months of 2022.
Macs aren’t safe, either – while they do have built-in security features, the days when hackers simply didn’t find it worthwhile to write malicious code for Macs are over – if they even were, in the first place. In 2021, 2,741 Mac threats emerged, but the number is growing, and reached 16,809 in the first half of 2022.
You Need an Additional Layer of Protection
It’s true that Windows PCs, Macs, and Androids have built-in protections, but the extent to which those protections are adequate really varies from one platform to the next. The worst is Google Play Protect. Independent testing lab, AV Comparatives, has found that Google Play Protect is literally the worst antivirus program. And Android phones are definitely vulnerable to malicious websites, hackers, ransomware, identity thieves, and malware. If you’re running an Android phone, you need third-party antivirus software that can protect it.
Microsoft Defender Antivirus and Windows Firewall are the built-in antivirus software apps on Windows PCs running Windows 10 or later. These aren’t as bad as Google Play Protect. Microsoft Defender provides protection against viruses and malware, but its phishing protections are poor. You can’t use Microsoft Defender’s malicious website protection or email phishing protection unless you’re using a Microsoft browser and a Microsoft email address. Additional protection from another antivirus program can make up for these shortcomings, and you’ll still get to use Chrome or Firefox.
Here’s What to Look for in an Antivirus
For the most comprehensive antivirus protection, you really need to pay for premium antivirus software. You’ll get much more than the bare-bones essentials offered by free antivirus programs. For example, you’ll be able to protect more than one device, which is a must for the average household, in which there might be multiple smartphones, laptops, and tablets. Free antivirus programs also often come with bloatware and may harass you with advertisements or entreaties to buy their premium service.
The most basic thing to look for in an antivirus program is protection against malware and viruses. You need an antivirus program that monitors for threats in real time, and can perform scans if necessary. It should have a low rate of false positives and provide one strong protection against zero-day threats that are just emerging for the first time.
The threat of ransomware is growing, so you need an antivirus program that can help you avoid ransomware and recover if you do get attacked – many antivirus programs contain decryption tools for known ransomware programs. You do a lot of shopping and banking on your devices, so you need protection for your financial transactions. If you’re on social media, you need features to protect your privacy online and safeguard against identity theft. You need password management, so that you can use a unique and strong password and username for each of your online accounts. If you have kids, you’ll need an antivirus that provides parental controls and other features that keep kids safe.
Your devices may have come with some built-in protections, but it’s not time to completely ditch antivirus software yet. A paid antivirus program can fill in the considerable gaps that built-in protections and free software leave behind.
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