Google has started selling its Google Glass to anyone with the money ($1500) in the United States. Being available to the general public puts a lot of pressure on Google to make its product successful. Google has made some major HR changes at Google Glass division.
Xiaomi Mi Pad launched, powerful and affordable gaming tablet
Chinese electronics company Xiaomi has announced its first tablet named Xiaomi Mi Pad. Xiaomi CEO Lei Jun claimed over two years ago that he is not sure about the tablets future at the company. But the entire time he and his company were building one behind the scenes. They are expanding on a device portfolio […]
Apple likely to introduce 1704×960 screen resolution iPhone 6
A new report has surfaced with claims that Apple is going to introduce a 1704×960 screen resolution in the next iPhone. The new resolution of iPhone 6 will allow it to have the same aspect ratio as the iPhone 5s (16:9). However, it will have a much higher pixels per inch (PPI) than the current […]
BlackBerry rolls out budget Z3 in Indonesia
BlackBerry’s unclear future in the hardware business did not dampen the company’s plan to introduce a budget smartphone called the Z3 in Indonesia, where it once held 40 percent of the market until Samsung eroded all BlackBerry handsets on the shelves.
Twitter adds Mute functionality to iOS, Android and Web
Twitter has officially announced a new feature for its iOS, Android and web clients called Mute. It comes as a very welcome addition to the Twitter experience. It gives users the ability to select and turn off the posts of any user they follow, without unfollowing them. This feature is uni-directional only meaning only you will […]
Facebook patents own hardware for a smartphone
Patent Bolt has shared some telling images showing that Facebook has been working on a hardware for a smartphone it plans to launch at a date only Zuckerberg knows when. The patent was filed in 2011, so the prototype might well have morphed into the final stages of development, we can only guess.