For quite some time now, Samsung has been one of the leading production brands for Android devices in the market. It has launched amazing products and guaranteed customer satisfaction. Following up to the needs of the customer, Samsung has now set eyes upon the lower end market. It is launching products which will suit your […]
Samsung Galaxy S2 vs Sony Xperia S
Sony Xperia X and Samsung galaxy S2 are two of the best available Smartphone in the mobile market. The Galaxy S2 might require a few upgrades in the future but Xperia X will be there for a long time in the Smartphone market with its current features. Today we look at the comparison between these […]
Everything You Need To Know About The Project Google Glass
You’ve been hearing a lot of hype about this Project Glass thing lately, but you don’t really know what it is. Whenever you search the web, you just get a short editorial post trying to have a unique take on the subject, but nobody will tell it to you straight. Well, my friends, that ends […]
Review: Samsung Galaxy Mini 2
Samsung announced the Galaxy Mini 2 at the Mobile World Congress held in Barcelona, Spain. The Galaxy Mini 2 is an evolutionary product and follows its predecessor Galaxy Mini. As per an entry level phone it has decent features. The product has been designed to meet the range of the lower end price in the […]
Top Five Instagram Tips For Beginners
I am an Instagram addict. Partially because I am taking a March Insta-a-day challenge, but also because I love how fun the simple shoot and choose a filter is. This allows even the most novice photographer to bring out their inner Anne Leibowitz. However, many individuals aren’t using Instagram the best way they can. The […]
Square Card Case Upgrades to Pay with Square
Square’s Card Case has a few updates and major improvements to its mobile payment service. For starters, the application has been renamed to “Pay with Square,” which more efficiently describes what the app should be used for. Similar to Card Case, Pay with Square allows users to virtually pay for merchandise at retail stores without […]