Now that you have had you’ve had your iPhone 4S out of the box for a couple of weeks, you may be wondering what applications will show off the new features best. While applications related to Siri aren’t available during its beta phase, we can expect many to be available soon. However, until then, there […]
Flexible Screen Smartphones by Nokia and Samsung Release in 2012
Flexible screen is considered as the biggest revolution on mobile devices after touch screen, and it could come sooner than we expected. The year 2012 could mark the significant milestone with the release of the first bendable screen phone from Nokia and Samsung.
How to Fix iPhone 4S Battery Issue
iPhone 4S must be the device receiving the most complaints in the last few days. While iFans are still disappointed as the best feature of iPhone 4S, Siri, can run smoothly on older devices like iPhone 4 and iPod Touch, they have another reason to complain. The battery life of iPhone 4S is terrible and […]
Installed Siri on iPhone 4 Succesfully
A few weeks ago, we’ve seen the first demo of the voice assistant Siri on iPhone 4 and that has bring some hopes to people who don’t want to upgrade their phones. There was a big problem for porters as Apple’s servers don’t authorize voice commands coming from devices other than iPhone 4S. However, the […]
What Users Want From Siri
Siri is the revolutionary software available on just the iPhone 4S. The software used to be downloadable software available on the App Store, at the time an app that I overlooked until it was too late. Now, Apple bought the application, discontinuing it from the App Store. Since then, Siri has been a success for […]
Review of Lytro: The Camera of the Future?
Before Lytro, when you took a photo, you usually made all the configurations before taking the photo. Once the photo is taken, very few changes can naturally be added to the image. Aside from enhancing colors, cropping, and other changes, adjusting focus for example is usually out of the question. That’s until Lytro was introduced […]