Since BlackBerry can’t seem to beat its competitors in the smartphone arena, the company appears to be joining them. BlackBerry is now expanding its security solutions to multiple platforms such as Android and iOS, two operating systems that continue to dominate the mobility market, eclipsing BlackBerry.
Why Google Play Movies & TV is set to crush down Amazon Fire TV
Over the weekend, Roku fans had a reason to celebrate when the Google Play Movies & TV app was added to their channel selections through which they could have the leisure to directly purchase or rent TV shows and movies. Which puts to shame how Apple offers this stuff via its iOS ecosystem.
Will Google’s planned Android encryption protect you?
Google may have all the good reasons when it unveiled a default encryption security for the next-generation Android L operating system for mobile devices. But on deeper look there seems to be lacking in how the search giant plans to implement the security model on devices.
5 Best Phones To Consider for a Holiday Upgrade
If you’re looking for a smartphone upgrade this holiday season, you’ll find plenty of options vying for your attention. This major gift-giving time sparks companies to offer some stellar deals. Whether you’re ready to treat yourself to a special upgrade as a personal splurge or you’re looking for a standout gift for someone very special, […]
To Go Mobile or Not to Go Mobile – That is the Question
It seems as if everyone is “going mobile”. Being mobile is convenient for many aspects of our everyday lives, and if you have a business, a mobile POS system is essential. According to an article on Forbes, the need for mobile POS has been on the rise since 2013. Although you may not believe that […]
Why the Material Design would be a tough sell for Android 5.0
Google finally broke the ice and bared the next-generation of Android: the Lollipop. Also known as Android 5.0, the new iteration of the search giant’s mobile operating system features a newly minted interface called Material Design which shows off animations that take their inspiration from the physical science.