Motorola nailed it big time when they announced the hugely popular Moto X flagship last year. Although boasting modest specs for a flagship, it handled everything thrown at it like a boss. Not only had that, with stock Android and very timely updates in tow, Motorola won over many hearts. Surprisingly, the Moto X did […]
New iPhone 6 Images Leak – Will Still Be Fit For One-Handed Use
The Apple iPhone 6 has been the cause of much hoopla over the course of previous 2-3 months. We have seen countless iPhone 6 based leaks, but most of them were centered around the 4.7-inch model, while the phablet 5.5-inch version has impressively eluded the rumor mill. With that said, some pictures of the iPhone […]
Samsung Officially Unveils Galaxy Alpha
The Samsung Galaxy Alpha was the center of a raft of rumors in recent weeks. Although its flagship level specs were something to awe over, it perhaps attracted most attention relating to its design. The Galaxy Alpha is Samsung’s answers to users asking for a more ‘premium’ Galaxy smartphone. That’s right folks, the Galaxy Alpha […]
Nexus 6 (Motorola Shamu) Gets Benchmarked
Motorola’s name has been swung around quite recently. The rumor mill has brought many pieces regarding Motorola devices. The Motorola Moto X+1 and G2 were all very exciting leaks, but nothing has quite overtaken the excitement that the Motorola Shamu brought along. To refresh your memory a bit, the Motorola Shamu is rumored to be […]
Xiaomi MIUI cloud messaging service stores user data in Chinese server?
Following revelation from security researchers at F-Secure pointing to a clandestine storing of user data in a server in China, Xiaomi has revamped its cloud messaging service in response to security concerns.
Apple bringing Siri to Mac, patent shows
If you have been waiting for Apple’s digital assistant to come to your Mac computers, this is a good chance your wish is coming true. The tech giant has applied for a patent to bring Siri to Macs.