The smartphone market, especially those running Android is pretty saturated. There are so many smartphones from different manufacturers that its hard to keep track of what’s what.
Is Nvidia Shield tablet all that gamers are looking for?
Hardcore gamers would not only have the best moments of their activities on gaming consoles, they can do their gaming as well on tablet computers, thanks to Nvidia’s newly launched Shield tablet, which a company official touts as the perfect gaming device for a number of users who want a separate tablet for power-draining games.
Motorola Moto G Successor Pictured
Being an open-source platform, Android has the numbers gain on Apple’s. It offers a variety of phones from different manufacturers. Be at low, mid or high-end, Android has it all. But the fact remains that the mid-range and low-end phones are subpar, and just not good enough.
China’s Xiaomi hopes to take on iPhone with Mi 4
Xiaomi, a Chinese electronics company that continues to gain ground, has launched its Mi 4 flagship smartphone with the accompanying wristband which will serve as an ID authenticator in an effort to challenge the current market dominance of Apple’s iPhone line of products.
Google removes free games as advertised following EU ruling
In the latest European policy compliance move, Google has decided to far exceed what has been required of the company to do in order to address parental concerns about its in-app purchase feature. The search giant has removed its advertising label “free” from mobile games that are not really free, or cannot be played without […]
Facebook introduces Save feature to save newsfeed items
Facebook has launched a new feature called ‘Save’ that allows people to save anything from their newsfeed, be it a music list or a movie share, a status or an article that they missed the first time or didn’t had time to read it, to later access it using the ‘Save’ feature.