This is the best time to start working to organizing your finances. The economic times for many Americans are rough, with increased unemployment that is beginning to stabilize and even improve for some individuals.
iPhone 6: The Ability to Feel Objects on Screen?
The next groundbreaking aspect of iPhone 6 is the screen. Yes, you may say that the size of the screen or maybe some obscure glass quality could make Apple have their screen stand-out among the pack this time around. However, that isn’t fully the case with the iPhone 6.
Overview of Bluetooth Tile Tag
We are always loosing something both of importance and unimportance. This can be from a phone number written on a sheet of paper to your keys. However, the sad reality is that it is easier to lose something than find it. This was certainly the case before the invent of Tile, a bluetooth tag that […]
Will the rumored 1800mAh and 2500mAh batteries bear up to power bigger iPhone screens?
There remains so much more to discover about the forthcoming iPhone 6 amid all speculations circulating in the rumor mill of late. One of them points to the 1800mAh and 2500mAh batteries of the 4.7-inch and 5.5-inch iPhone 6 models, respectively.
Selfie-oriented Xperia C3 leaks – Launching tomorrow
In this day and age, innovation, amongst other things is one of the major factors moving the smartphone industry ahead. Samsung’s heart-rate sensor and software perks, HTC’s duo camera setup in the One (M8) and Apple’s use of Touch ID fingerprint sensor are examples of innovation in recent times. Although many manufacturers have come up […]
Why the iPad is Fast Becoming the Hottest Trend in Restaurants
The restaurant industry is perhaps one of the toughest markets in terms of competition. Literally on every street corner, there is a restaurant vying for business. Food trends are fickle at best and diners are always on the search for something new to keep them interested. Technology has always been a part of the restaurant […]