Let’s get one thing out of the way; I must admit that I hate cords. They get in the way, they are dangerous when tripped over, and they can easily get tangled. Even today, when I went out of the house to get some blogging work done, by the time I arrived, I found my camera cord, iPhone charger, and point-and-shoot wrist strap all tangled together. Not the best way to start a long afternoon of working. However, there are solutions to the individuals that despise cords like me. Here are a couple of products to offer a solution.
The Wireless Mouse
Your first essential to going cordless is a wireless mouse. If you are a desktop user, or a laptop user who doesn’t like being trapped by trackpads, a wireless mouse should already be something in your possession. If not, then that’s no problem. There’s always room for an addition to your mouse family. Here are two essential mice for your computing needs. If you are a Mac user, like I am, then the magic trackpad is something you need to look into. Most individuals who have a laptop looking into having a mouse do so for space and convenience. Most individuals don’t look into getting a new mouse based because they dislike trackpads in general. The Magic Trackpad allows you to have the same feeling of a trackpad without having it attached to your system. You can still do all of the required maneuvers including swiping, clicking, and more. If you are looking into getting a mouse because you dislike trackpads, then the Magic Mouse is a safe choice, however it’s not the best.

If you are looking for a great mouse choice, you don’t have to lock yourself in with an Apple manufactured mouse. Most mice these days are compatible with both Apple and Windows. If you have a Windows computer, or if you dislike the Apple choices, two choices I recommend are the Logitech Marathon Mouse and the Logitech Performance Mouse. Both are dual compatible, feel great in hand, and the Marathon Mouse is half the price of the Performance Mouse. Logitech Wireless Trackball M570 is a great choice as well.
The Wireless Keyboard
Once you have the mouse, your next step is a wireless keyboard. I highly recommend the Apple Wireless Keyboard for your wireless keyboarding needs. The keyboard is very solid in build, features a power button on the side for power, and it only takes two AA batteries. The keyboard offers the same controls and buttons as your run of the mill Apple keyboard. The Apple wireless keyboard is on sale for $69.00.

Perfect Wireless Router
If anything was one essential than a wireless mouse and keyboard, it would definitely be a wireless router. Wired Internet connections are meant to be only for those out in the country and individuals in hotel rooms. If you are in the comfort of your home, unless you have a desktop, wireless Internet is a necessity. In the world of wireless routers, Cisco and Netgear are the ways to go. In the Cisco ballpark, the E4200 seems to be a solid choice. In terms of the well-known Netgear brand, the N750 is a great choice. Both of moderately priced and offer a great choice for both Windows and Mac users. The drawbacks of both are minimal, and are unlikely to genuinely affect performance. The Cisco E4200 is priced at $115, the N750 is around $118.
Your Solution in One Word: iCloud
Last on our list of wireless essentials includes iCloud. For any Apple user, iCloud has been that necessity that is well used but can sometimes be underappreciated. iCloud, for those who don’t know, allows you to save your information online. iCloud allows you to have your photos, calendar, reminders, and even your email saved for viewing online and on your various Apple gadgets. When activated, everything from your iTunes music to all of your meeting notes can be pinged to your Mac on icloud.com to your iPad and more. iCloud is free to use initially, with a certain allowance of space given to users. However, if you require more space, it will come at a small cost.
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Joseph O'Brien says
Definitely a fan of the wireless apple keyboard adds space and minimises clutter!