Nowadays, we can hardly imagine our life without mobile devices. Constantly staying in contact has become a crucial condition in our lives.
Tech Guide
YouTube Red: The Truth & Nothing But The Truth
Hey! YouTube Red is here now! Well, the word has been floating around in the cyberspace for quite a while and finally, it is yours to take. The details have been announced and all it is fully functional.
How to Set Up and Control Xiaomi Lights Using Google Home / Assistant
I’ve used Xiaomi lights for a while and I totally love them just because of their gorgeous design. However, they had a major problem: the lights are smart products but I used them just like normal ones.
Reasons Chip Hacks Will Become Popular
We all know that security vulnerabilities are common for software applications. Operating systems, web platforms, software utilities, and standalone programs can be infected with malware that can be used by hackers to control a particular device such as a computer or s smartphone.
AMD Radeon Pro 570 vs 575 vs 580 on iMac – Specification and Benchmark Comparison
The AMD Radeon Pro 500 series powers a wide array of new Apple products, including the MacBook Pro and iMac. However, when it comes to performance, the GPUs in new iMac are a lot more powerful. We have the Radeon Pro 570, 575, and 580; these GPUs are integrated into the high-end 27-inch iMac with […]
How to Read Someone’s WhatsApp Messages Without Any Access to the Phone
Today, we all use WhatsApp, the most popular instant messenger to chat with our friends, relatives, or someone special, without spending a penny. Whatsapp, however, has a number of pitfalls associated with it which have lots of negative effects on the lives of the people. That’s why we are in search for a WhatsApp tracking […]