I write this post after receiving responses from HostGator and Godaddy. I am a little disappointed as they can’t help me get my stolen site back.
2 weeks ago, I received an email from a blogger that I’ve known for a year. He showed interests in my new Android blog at DroidState and offered me a good price. After all agreements are set, he said his Paypal account was limited and he wanted to pay me with an Amazon gift card. Then, he forwarded me an email confirming that he sent the gift card to my email and I will receive it within a few hours. I totally believed him and this was my stupid mistake. The confirmation is fake and after I transfer the site, he disappeared forever.
I tried to contact both HostGator and Godaddy but my efforts were useless. HostGator said that they don’t take responsibility for website trading while Godaddy is not helpful at all. I called Goddaddy support and they guided me to send an email to undochange@godaddy.com or domaindisputes@godaddy.com but I always received the same email:
Dear Mr. Do,
Thank you for your message. If you have any questions and/or concerns regarding the domain name droidstate.com, please contact the current registrant directly.
If the current registrant is not willing to assist you, any dispute over the registration of the domain name will need to be sent either to the registrant, through an ICANN-approved arbitration provider (http://www.icann.org/dndr/udrp/approved-providers.htm) or the court system.
Please note that per ICANN’s UDRP, registrars cannot make any changes to a domain name without direction from a court or arbitration forum.
It is never necessary to name GoDaddy.com, LLC in a dispute. We will abide by any decision from an ICANN-approved arbitration forum or a court of competent jurisdiction.
Please be assured that if we receive notice of a pending legal dispute we will lock the name so it cannot be transferred or otherwise modified. Likewise, when we receive a decision we will update the name accordingly. If you file a dispute concerning the domain name, please forward a copy of the filed legal documentation to domaindisputes@godaddy.com.
If I follow their instructions, I will lose more money than the value of this website. So, I decided to stop.
I don’t blame them because this is my fault and the transferring process looks normal. This post is just intended to warn bloggers of scams in website trading. If you receive a private offer like this, be sure to receive your money before transferring your site. It is difficult to know who are good people on the Internet. I am also disclosing name and email of the guy who stole my website. He is Ashley Clarke, email is ashleyclarkem@gmail.com (I’m not sure if he will continue using this email). Anyways, be sure to avoid this guy in case he contacts you to buy your website. Another mistake I made is not using Escrow to transfer the site. Escrow is the safe way to protect both buyers and sellers as it is government-licensed site to sell domains in the US. When we sell a website, we get protected and guaranteed form payment. When dispute appears, the resolution process will also be solved much faster.
Do you have any experience in website trading? Could you suggest us a safe way for both buyers and sellers?
Disclosure: We might earn commission from qualifying purchases. The commission help keep the rest of my content free, so thank you!
Ivin says
I’m sorry for what happened, Tuan. You clearly learned a very valuable lesson here and we nee heed this one as it happens all the time. Good luck for the future.
Tuan Do says
Thanks Ivin,
I was so subjective because I think I and this scammer had a good online relationship. Fortunately I lost just a small site and I have a great lesson after the incident. :)
Abdul Qoyyuum says
I guess the next time you do any website trading, use Flippa. They keep a record of each trade. Escrow included. Or at the very least, have a contract. Everything in business should be in black and white. But for this issue you have, I’m so sorry but there is now way to get it back without a track record of the trade.
Tuan Do says
Yeah the problem is that buyer didn’t want to use Escrow or even Paypal. I should have been more doubtful at that time. Anyways, this is a valuable lesson and thanks for your suggestion.
Thank for sharing your real story,Hereafter every blogger will be alert.Ya in this world we can’t trust anyone.let’s we all pray to get back the Droidstate.com
Tuan Do says
Thanks Shree,
I can’t get it back anymore because we didn’t have a contract. We should be very careful with those scammers on the Internet.
Sanjeev says
Tuan really a bad experience, Hope you will take it as a lifetime experience, which helps you in future dealing.
Tuan Do says
Yeah for sure, Sanjeev
Actually I’ve found some important information for future trading to protect us from losing money again.
Thanks for your comment.
Alex Shaikh says
This is a great article, and i will surely aware all my friends about “Ashley Clarke”. I think one of the best website to sell domain is the flippa. I have been using them for many years and never had any complain about it. You should never trust anybody online when it comes to money. I’m sorry you went through an issue with GoDaddy but for some reason i don’t click with them. That’s why i use HostGator for about 2 years now, i transfer all my domain names to HostGator. They are the best and the customer service is just magnificent. Thanks for sharing your article with us. It is helpful to those who needed to be alert by these low lives.
Tuan Do says
Yeah maybe I will consider moving in the near future.
It is amazing that Godaddy can help in case you are moving your domain to another domain registrar but they can’t do it if the domain is pushed to another Godaddy account.
There is nothing to believe on the Internet and we need to protect ourselves from scams.
Thanks for your comment.
Main Uddin says
Taun Do @ I think you have to follow the DAAGMAR effect process to sell website or blog then it will clearly come out the real identification of the buyer ans seller which is done by Flippa very easily.As it is mentioned that even you have finalized the deal personally though you should go through the Flippa.
Tuan Do says
Thanks for sharing your information,
I didn’t know about that process before. We didn’t go through Flippa because I didn’t intend to list the site and the buyer didn’t want to pay more fees. I will not accept private offers anymore.
PrIyAnGsHu says
Oh shit, that’s really sad :( … The same scammer had also contacted me once and fortunately I did not sell my site to him :) …
JamesW says
Thank you for informing us Tuan and sharing your story, now we’ll be more careful too, sorry for your lost. I had similar case, I payed for the project on digital point forum but never got it or my money back. I was lucky that it wasn’t some big bucks, but again, like you said, you never know who’s who in this online world.
Tuan Do says
Thanks for sharing your experience.
Yeah, that’s right. Transactions on forums like DigitalPoint is not safe for both buyers and sellers. I will stick to Flippa and Escrow when I sell another site next time.
Raj says
Any recent update or luck that you got your domain back..?
Tuan Do says
No, Raj.
I totally lost it, there is no hope to get it back unfortunately.
Raj says
Really sad to hear that..
Peter Lee says
Came to know this article from BlogHelpDesk, I feel sorry for what had happened to you, Tuan. Honestly, I couldn’t even trust a real friend let alone an online friend that’s never been met. Just remember, when it comes to business, the only true friend is MONEY! Make sure you received the amount agreed before handing over your goods. Another expensive lesson learned I guess? Appreciate you share your experience here in your blog. Thanks!