When it comes to naming your new business, mistakes can be costly. Think of how your business will be viewed by customers and clients. A negative name could mean lost customers and a difficult time gaining new ones. Here are some things to consider before you choose a name for your new business.
To avoid naming mistakes, first you must decide what the name of your business will be. Will you want to keep it short, or make it a long-name that sounds corporate? Do you want to use your company’s initials, or simply your brand? You should make the decision that works best for you and your company.
Second, you’ll need to choose a name that is simple yet memorable. It’s important that potential customers and clients remember what your business sells, or services. It’s also important that they can readily recall the business’ telephone number or email address. If you want potential customers to contact you, make sure you include that information in the name of your business.

5 Mistakes to avoid when naming a business:
- Disagreement for the sake of controversy
- Associating with a bad reputation
- Choosing a business name that is too limiting
- Choosing a business name already protected
- Changing your company name for no benefit
Third, choose a name that fits the character of your business. For example, if you’re specializing in pet insurance, you might call your business” mammal insurance.” Don’t let someone else’s personality influence your choice of name. Take care that the name you choose reflects not only you but also the nature of your business.
Fourth, do not use numbers or specific words in your business name. This can make you seem vague and impersonal. Instead of using words like “you,” “your,” or “your,” use actual human names. You want potential customers to be able to think about you when they need your services.
Fifth, don’t leave out numbers. If you have three letters in your business name but only one letter, you’ll probably want to change it. There are so many different possibilities for abbreviations, acronyms, and combinations that you’ll likely get by with just a space and a dot. If you can shorten your business name to three initials, that’s even better.
Sixth, keep the name short. People who have to type a long business name into the search engine sometimes get frustrated and leave. They’ll likely stop looking at your site before they’ve finished reading what you have written. Remember, if your name is too long, you’ll sound like a child or a robot. You’ll also risk alienating visitors to your site because they’ll think you’re some kind of professional.
Finally, when you name your company, make sure you don’t spell the name wrong. This is something you want people to be able to do without difficulty. If you spell it correctly, however, you can ensure that clients will have a hard time pronouncing it. Make sure it’s easy for them to say, and you’ll be on the right track.
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