This year, my personal New Years resolution is to keep myself better organized for the coming year. However, there are a couple of things that I had to consider in terms of blogging for 2013.
There were a couple of changes that I want to make and decided to use the tradition as a time to better myself in work as well. Being the sharing individual that I am, I’ve decided to pass along a couple of tips I’ve created myself that you should also consider for the coming year. From ways to gain more readers to ways for more free-time, the tips are here!
Extend the Love
The blogging industry is quite large, with niches including everything from fashion to even being a lumberjack. However, the tech blogging industry is a unique one. Despite the fact that there are a large number of them on the Internet, those that are quality, reputable tech websites are like a community, and each individual helps one another to propel into the industry. The help of my fellow friends in technology is what has helped me to get to the level I am today.
How, you might ask? Through things like guest blogging. Like a gift that keeps on giving, guest posting is a great way for you to get amazing content while the writer is able to get their voice out there. I advise you to begin accepting guest posters if you don’t already. You don’t always have to pay them if you website can’t afford that at the moment. Many bloggers appreciate the soundboard alone as a way to get their name in the industry, however paying guest posters doesn’t hurt!
Like Clock Work
A major pitfall that bloggers have is not posting their content at the optimal time. For example, if you don’t know already, you shouldn’t post a New Years article on January 1st. SEO is time consuming and for your post to get higher in web searches, it should at least have some age to it. Popular blogs can immediately get their content up there due to the already present audience and the name sake alone. Smaller to even medium sized blogs should ensure that they have an article out there a week or so before you are intending on it being seen.
I plan my editorial calendar at the end of each month for the next month to come. I sit at my desk or in a coffee shop, look at my paper calendar, and get going. I circle major holidays that are occurring in that month and that alone gives you a little over half my inspiration for articles. From there, everything from companies approaching me to write about their product to article titles that have just been sitting in my mind for a while are able to get the remaining days that I haven’t assigned an article for. For this reason, if I am able to get the planning process over with in a timely manner, I can spend the rest of the month relaxing, knowing the next month is well planned.
Diversify Your Content
Repeated acts, even those that you enjoy, can get spoiled if things don’t change up just a bit – spicing things up. The same goes for blogging. I love my job very much, however, late nights and stressful deadlines can easily lead to burn-out if I don’t do something new to freshen my mind. If this is something you feel you are in need of doing for 2013, there are many ways to do so.
First, look into possibly going more into the video realm. If your website is growing, the audience already present is a great way to jump this. Plus, monetarily, YouTube’s ad program allows you to get a bit of extra cash in a new realm. If you don’t feel you are camera ready, look into iTunes podcasting on subjects you are writing about. They can range from anywhere from commentary on issues occurring in your niche to a weekly news round-up. The initial investment for both realms is minimal, and the long term cost is usually near nothing.
What ways are you getting a fresh blogging start for 2013? Let us know in the comments below!
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PrIyAnGsHu says
Interesting post Emmanuel. I’m thinking to start some new sites in 2013 and test out some new strategies to diversify my online revenue.
JaY Srivastava says
Emmanuel great post, i am tech blogger myself and started recently, i just had few of them to do guest posting, yeah it feels nice.