IBM is expanding the scope of its big data analytics offerings to include smart weather forecasting. This after the company acquired the Weather Company for more than $2 billion.
With Facebook Message Requests, you’ll likely start receiving spam on Messenger
When Mark Zuckerberg said he envisions Facebook to become the ultimately platform for connecting the world, he could have meant either one of two things: connecting you with your friends who live overseas or opening the portal to your private virtual life for complete strangers.
Google is beaming Internet to Indonesia from 20,000 feet high in the skies
While social networking titan Facebook is busy trying to connect all of India’s population to the Internet, Google, for its part, is into the same business – this time with Indonesia.
Should you automate your cyber security tool?
The types of cyber security tools currently in use among organizations and individual users vary from those that help to block intrusion to the ones that control network access and protect endpoint.
Facebook is the new political platform: how presidential bets are targeting voters
Whether it is against your will or you approve of it, the United States’ presidential candidates are turning to Facebook to reach the mass of voters who have flocked to the social networking site for information.
MasterCard has a grand plan for IoT-enabled payment systems
The burgeoning Internet of Things has something good to offer to consumers: you will soon be able to pay your purchases using only your wearables, jewelry, and even your clothes.