Things aren’t boding well for the passengers of Boeing’s Dreamliner commercial plane.
Microsoft users now have quicker access to Getty Images
A day following the settlement of their legal battle, Microsoft and Getty Images are starting a friendly relationship that would provide a vast trove of commercial images to users of Bing, Cortana, and other Microsoft services.
Can Nokia achieve substantial growth with Alcatel-Lucent buy?
As China and other emerging economies continue to pose a challenge to the market dominance of established telecommunications companies, Nokia has taken a bold step to hedge its future growth by acquiring its French rival Alcatel-Lucent.
100% Free Internet
100% Free 4G Internet! We’ve all heard the saying, nothing in life is free, but FreedomPop has arrived to provide you with just that, 100% free 4G Internet. We know by now you’re sick and tired of paying that outrageous mobile internet bill, in most cases over $600 a year! FreedomPop’s Nationwide Hotspot offer is […]
Energy firms in multiple countries hit by Trojan attack
Cyber attackers have launched a simultaneous intrusion into several energy firms in the Middle East, United States and UK in what Symantec believes is a cyber espionage. This kind of attack is designed to steal confidential data about corporate matters.
Google just made Chrome a notch safer from phishing
Google Chrome is one update more secure than its counterparts after Mountain View rolled out a new update for the browser’s application programming interface. After all, the most advisable action to stay safe online is to have the latest software update from tech companies.