If you are teleworking from home or any telework center, you should be aware of a new vulnerability found in the tool you are using as the U.S. Homeland Security Department discovered that cyber criminals are able to exploit this software in order to break into your computer.
How much can smartphone users save with kill switch? Study says $3.4B
As cases of smartphone thefts in the United States continue to spike, so is the number of proponents seeking to institutionalize the kill switch to dissuade would-be smartphone thieves from carrying out their crime. And a new study from Creighton University reveals how much smartphone users in the United States can save if kill switches […]
Microsoft slaps Samsung with suit over patent infringement
Samsung is yet again in another court battle, this time with software giant Microsoft. Redmond’s Microsoft filed the complaint in U.S. District Court in the Southern District of New York after the Korean phone maker allegedly violated a contract between the two titans regarding patent royalties for the Android operating system that Samsung uses for […]
Twitter eyes Facebook-ish strategy for growth
During the quarterly earnings call of Twitter, CEO Dick Costolo unwrapped some infant plans to catapult the micro-blogging site to the level of success Facebook has reached. It turned out, the scheme is reminiscent of past moves to take inspiration from Facebook’s design and style.
Instagram users facing risks when connecting through public Wi-Fi
If you are an Instagram addict and could not resist taking and sharing photos anywhere, including public places where a Wi-Fi connection is available, you should be aware of some risks.
Google reportedly acquires video service provider Twitch for $1B
It’s still unconfirmed as of this time, but many reports have circulated recently claiming that Google has reached an agreement to buy Twitch, a subscription-based video services provider, for $1 billion.