Kindle readers encompass a cross-section of individuals who are such avid readers that it allows them to consume as many books as they can handle without carrying it all around, or for the light readers who don’t want the commitment of purchasing a paper book and want to casually read their novel by the pool.
Google forms Project Zero team to scour for Internet vulnerabilities
Google has kicked off a broad program that is intended to scour the entire Internet for bugs and vulnerabilities through the collaboration of its security researchers. The initiative is called Project Zero, and the search giant promises to leverage all its resources to make the Web a lot safer.
Kronos Trojan that steals browsing session credentials seen in black market ad
Those who are hoping to see the ultimate end of further Trojan variants building up on Zeus are in for a big frustration after security researchers from Trusteer, an IBM subsidiary, spotted a fresh malware that scrapes off log-in credentials and online banking information being flaunted in a black market forum.
Apple targets the corporate world with IBM partnership
It was inconceivable back in the 1980s for Apple and IBM to come to terms and actually forge a partnership born out of a desire to complement each other’s capability in addressing a single market for personal computers. The competition and rivalry between the two companies almost reached irreconcilable heights in those years.
What Red Bull Did Right
Successful businesses rely heavily on marketing strategies. A fundamental part of a business to succeed is for the people out there to know that it exists. One of most renowned companies for their marketing abilities is Red Bull.
New Zeus variant targets your financial data through malicious email
Security researchers at Websense Labs have warned Internet users to be vigilant of a new Trojan malware that derives its information-stealing technique from Zeus. The malicious strain of Zeus variants is found to be targeting the financial data of its users by manipulating Windows extensions.