We reported last week that Microsoft is scheduled to retire the legacy Windows XP platform on April 8. By that time, around 10 percent of millions of government computers will still run the old operating system.
Google is encrypting Gmail service; Sorry NSA
In a latest wave of displeasure toward intrusive surveillance programs, search giant Google is implementing a fully encrypted connection between its servers for the Gmail service in order to foil third-party attempts at eavesdropping into private communications, not by malicious hackers but by its own government.
How 3D Printers Are Being Utilized To Fight the Ongoing Pandemic
The year 2020 has been a turbulent one since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Globally, the pandemic has led to massive loss of lives and jobs, disruption of economic activities, and a change in the way of living. As the world continues to fight the pandemic, governments worldwide have strict containment measures that include; […]
Router Security: 8 Signs Your Router May Put Your Privacy At Risk
Did you know that your router, the gateway between your various devices and the Internet, is a prime target for cyber attacks if not protected correctly? Well, that’s pretty true. Luckily, there are various options you can use to protect yourself and your data. For instance, sturdy solutions that can protect your entire network in […]
Google disrupts cloud storage landscape with huge price cuts
Who says it costs quite high to pay for cloud storage plans? Well, Google just moved to shake up its competitors in the cloud storage services sector by reducing a big chunk of its Google Drive prices to near free levels compared to other cloud offerings.
Windows XP shutdown less than a month away
The legendary operating system Windows XP is finally bound to reach its terminus in April, but millions of users, including commercial businesses and government agencies, remain tethered to it. Despite Microsoft’s early announcement on the shutdown in 2013, many still lag behind the schedule for upgrades.