Apple puts the ball in Microsoft’s court yet again. Apple decided to give away their OS X upgrades and softwares including the iWork productivity suite and thus challenging Microsoft in a very subtle manner.
Giant Chip Maker Qualcomm Also Wants to Buy BlackBerry
Reports keep coming in from various major publications saying Qualcomm, a key player in the semiconductor industry, could join a consortium that plans to acquire the embattled BlackBerry.
Is Intro Really Safe? LinkedIn Tries to Dispel Security Fears
Security experts denouncing LinkedIn’s new email application over privacy concerns are merely raising false alarm, so says the social network’s information security manager. But most security old pros seem to be voicing the same opinion: LinkedIn Intro is insecure.
Knowledge is power: Understand CAD
Throughout human history, those societies which have tended to progress where others have stalled have done so by virtue of innovation and technology, however primitive.
What Factors May Cause Slower Internet Speeds Than Expected
There are many different factors that may cause slower Internet speeds than normally expected. Here are some of the most common causes to be on the lookout for if you notice your Internet connection is not up to speed.
Better Late Than Never for Yahoo Mail’s SSL Encryption
For Yahoo Mail users, it gives a sigh of relief to know Yahoo is taking its Web mail security infrastructure to a higher level. The Sunnyvale company is rolling out SSL encryption as the default security setting for all Yahoo Mail accounts beginning January 8, 2014.