When you website gets to a certain point, for example, if it becomes too big for you to balance with your day-to-day job, you may feel the need to hire up a guest writer or two to help out with writing. However, these writers can be seen as working so well with the team that […]
5 Simple Ways to Increase your Blog Conversion Rate
Don’t let the term ‘conversion rate‘ throw you through a loop – all we’re really talking about here is getting someone to take action. This action can be anything you need such as gaining more subscribers or maybe just leaving a comment on the post. Whatever your fancy, I’ll be going through five of the […]
Genesis vs Woo Themes Complete Comparison
Here I am presenting a complete review and comparison between world’s two best theme framework for WordPress, Genesis and Woo themes Framework. Both of these frameworks have been developed by well established online companies.
7 Ways to Promote your Site with a Bit of Money
Several years ago, there was a myth that was circulating around the networld that webmasters and bloggers should not be spending money on advertising. People usually accepted this myth as there were many huge success stories that backed this myth. Those successful people created highly popular websites with lot of traffic without spending a penny […]
5 Ways to Wake up Unresponsive Subscribers on Your Email List
Your email marketing list is a very powerful tool for online businesses, are you getting the most out of it? Most marketers focus on building larger email lists for a wider market reach and because of the promise held in larger subscriber lists but unfortunately, larger lists tend to become unresponsive since it is harder […]
How To Display Presentation Slides on a Blog Post with Google Drive
In my last article, I posted about how to make cool visual graphics for your blog posts. One of them was about Presentation Slides. Now how about hosting it? Where in the whole entire Internet would you find a place to host and display your presentation slides? There are several places but let us look […]