There are different kinds of medium to spread the word or pass the message nowadays. Either verbal, photographic, or a little show and tell with awesome presentation slides can come a long way. Especially where a person takes some effort and time to actually make these information presentable for the audience to retrieve such information. […]
How To Make Cool Visual Graphics For Your Informative Blog Articles
If I visualize myself now, I would put it on a timeline history for all my blogging history. I have been blogging since 2009. And since then, blogging was and still is awesome. It feels free to express yourself. Feels great to share information or knowledge with your readers after all those hours you spent […]
Making A Social Network Help Your Blog
If you are reading this article, you are most likely at a point in your career when you are thinking of starting your own website. We aren’t talking about a personal blog where you are talking about how your weekend went, this is a blog you are building for anything from helping others in a […]
The Importance and Function of a Website Logo
Many bloggers, when they think of a logo, it’s an afterthought. I know that I personally told myself that once my blog makes it big, then I’ll get a logo. Or once my email subscribers number gets to 1,000 , I’ll have a logo designed.
Engage Your Social Media With 7 Great Tools
Got a lot of social media channels to monitor? Can’t find a way to manage them all? There are plenty of Social Monitoring tools out there if you took the time to google it. Apparently if you found this article through Google then look no further than the list of links provided here!
Why You Need To Spend More Time Promoting Content Than Creating It
Bloggers are always screaming that unless you have great content, nobody will care about your site. This is very true, but most bloggers miss the point of content. Sure, it’s nice to write things that help or entertain people, but your articles probably aren’t doing either of those things right now. And if they are, […]