This post brought to you by CDW. All opinions are 100% mine. CDW is known as the leading provider of technology products and services across America. Their experts are giving solutions, advice, support, ideas to business, government and education. 4 Fatal Gaps is their solution for data loss prevention, which is becoming prominent as we all […]
How Google Docs Can Help You Manage Writers And Get Stellar Content
I’m a freelance writer, and I know that most of the blogs I work for have a standard rate per post. If you write a post that is “x” number of words, you get paid “x” amount. That’s great – blog owners are at least making sure that the posts are a certain length, but […]
How To Get Several Quality Bloggers Writing For Your Site In Just One Day
So, you want some quality bloggers to write you some traffic garnering articles, eh? Well, I know that none of you wanted to hear this, but I’m not going to trick you – everything is coming out up front. You’re going to have to use some of your personal resources. (A.K.A. pay people). But, don’t […]
Ways To Access Gmail Even When It is Down
Gmail is undoubtedly among the most used webmail applications. However, at times we do face trouble in accessing Gmail. That does not mean you will not be able to check your mails. There are a number of ways which will let you access Gmail even if is inaccessible for some reason or the other. […]
How to Free Up More Time for Blogging
We’re all in a rush these days; it never seems like we have enough time to get new posts together, in time, for our blogs with the mounting pressure of work, school, family life, and other social obligations.
Guide To Traveling The Wonderful World Of Conflicting WordPress Plugins
WordPress is great – the updates are consistently helpful, and the interface is easy to use. The plugins that people upload to WordPress? Not always as great, and they oftentimes conflict with each other. So, when you go on your WordPress, find that new social media plugin you’re dying to put on your site, and […]