Bloggers all around the world who enjoy writing on their sites also enjoy making money off of their blogs. Sure, we all know that Google Adsense is great, but how else can we turn our traffic into revenue? With these services I’m going to talk about, you can increase your blog’s earning potential easily! Just […]
How To Network With Other Bloggers: A Guide
Networking with bloggers is essential if you want to build a strong online profile and land larger, higher paying gigs as well as get some great links for prestigious sites. I’m going to give you a short guide that talks about how to make connections with other online authors and gain authority in your niche […]
6 Pages That You Need To Update And How To Update Them
Posting new content is important, sure, but it’s also vital that you keep your old pages up to date for your new visitors. It’s easy to forget about these pages since, in reality, you don’t visit them that often. If we had a show of hands and asked how many people have visited their about […]
Video Wall and Multi-Monitor Display Solutions
We all must have been familiar with big screens installing on streets or airports for the purpose of advertising. The screen you see could be a single large screen or a video wall. This post will focus on only video wall because it is more popular and has some absolute advantages.
4 Places To Look For Great Post Ideas
Everything starts with an idea. A post that reaches the front page of Digg stemmed from a good idea. A post that garners long-term, steady traffic stemmed from a good idea. If you don’t have a steady stream of post ideas, you’ll write less often and you blog will suffer. These four places are where […]
A Look at Windows 8, OS X Mountain Lion and Ubuntu 12.04
Each of the three leading operating systems are looking at some major facelifts this year. Everyone has their own (usually strong) opinions when it comes to OS’s, but with the direction personal computing is headed, there are a lot of things to consider.