Many bloggers who make money blogging advocate building a strong email subscriber base, and they do this for a couple of reasons. This first paragraph will help me establish why you need these 3 simple email marketing tips for building a strong subscriber base by stressing to you the importance of such an asset. First of […]
Google PageRank Removed From Google+ Pages
Google PageRank is something that many bloggers obsess over, since going up or down can predict a huge gain or loss in traffic. When you’re relying on your blog to provide a steady income, this is a big deal. Well, this doesn’t directly pertain to the livelihood of your blog, but it’s something to note: […]
Speed up your WordPress Blog: 5 Easy Steps
A blogger always aims to optimize the loading speed of his WordPress blog. Speed plays a crucial factor in your blog popularity. With better speed, the user can be actively engaged in the blog for a longer time and it is also an important criterion in SEO. In this article, we will discuss 5 easy […]
Create your Best Songs with Windows Down Playlist
This post brought to you by Kia Rio. All opinions are 100% mine. Kia Motors and Spotify are partnering to complete the “Best Songs with your Windows Down” playlist. This is an online playlist that all of you can add your favorite songs to crank up anytime when you’ve got the windows down.
How to Make Money Online with Authenticity
Making money online can be easy and tough at the same time and there are a lot of ways which you can adopt for the sake of making money. Search for the keyword make money online and you will get various results. After having some pages opened, try to open each and every page before […]
Taking Your Bloging to The Next Level
When you think about improving your blog the odds are that you give a lot of though to things like you selection of keywords, the number of hits you get and where you rank in the search engines. While all of those things are important to good SEO they are not the end all, be […]