People all over social media like Reddit, Facebook, Bitcointalk, Medium discuss MGO and GAME, two currencies related to the one global ecosystem. MobileGO and GameCredits have a lot of in common and many differences as well.
What Performance Management Software Can Do For Your SMB
When you’re a small business owner, it can be hard to find the time to keep track of your employees and learn more about them because you’ve got so many other things to do. Technology can come to your aid in the form of employee performance management software.
E-Commerce Fraud – How to Protect your online store
During the course of their lifetime, over 50% of small businesses fall prey to fraud. This is a surprisingly high number of small business owners losing money to the tune of over $115,000 per instance.
The Best Shopping Sites of 2018
Online shopping provides a sense of pride you don’t get from many things. You sit on your comfy chair and scroll through brand new gadgets, clothes and home products. If you like any of them, one click is all you need to have the order processed.
7 Tech Trends Driving Business Change
The old saying that ‘there’s nothing so certain as change’ is proving ever truer as tech drives advancements in business – it’s now a case of having to adopt certain technological changes in order to stay competitive.
Startup Resources: Working with a software development agency
Software development is a hugely important part of any startup business, but from the outside, it can seem a hugely complicated and technical process. While a lot of the terminology and technology involved can indeed be very specialized, having a basic understanding of what software development agencies do will help you get what you want […]