Playing poker involves dealing with imperfect or incomplete information, which can make the game very complex. Earlier this year, a computer system called Libratus demonstrated that computers can do this better than any human card player.
Officer “Albert Einstein” Caught Planting Evidence at Crime Scene by His Own Dash Camera
In the world of law enforcement and public safety in general, to say that body cams and dash cameras are controversial is something of an understatement.
Virtual Reality: The New Trend in EdTech
Since the inception of computing, the education system has undergone various technological advancements that have revolutionized the learning process. VR technology has an impact even on essay writing services which today are quite widespread among students.
The Internet of Things Is a Revolution Waiting to Happen
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a real revolution. Nowadays, it is considered to be the great driving force for the bunch of the enterprises’ digital life over the last few years.
Pros and Cons of Legal Technology
Legal software for law firms just keeps coming. It seems like every day the ABA approves new software and legal tech. Annual tech investment records are shattered routinely and the market is in constant flux as a result. Has anyone stopped to think where all this innovation has gotten us? What are the pros and […]
Through-hole technology proving resilient even in today’s era
Over the years we have witnessed through-hole technology successfully taking over the position inhabited by earlier techniques and electronics.