How much do online advertisers stand to lose due to ad fraud this year? A new study conducted the Association of National Advertisers and White Ops suggests more than $7 billion in total losses as online ad frauds are seen to become more persistent as advertisers look to increase their spending.
Asacub spyware evolves into a mobile banking malware
In June of the last year, security researchers at Kaspersky Lab detected what they believed to be a spyware, which is designed to snoop on online activities of its victims. Fast forward today, the same researchers with the firm found that the malicious software evolved into a mobile banking malware.
Analysts predict a decline in Apple sales this year
Apple is scheduled to report the company’s earnings – some $18.2 billion – for the last quarter this year, marking the firm’s largest profit in its corporate history and of the country as well.
Dridex Trojan targeting UK-based banks
Security researchers have found a new development with the Dridex Trojan, this time spotting that the attackers have refocused their aim at the banks based in the United Kingdom where large business accounts are being transacted.
UK’s GCHQ develops encryption for government employees with backdoor
The Government Communications Headquarters, United Kingdom’s spy agency, has created a new encryption tool for government employees to protect their communication from hackers. But there’s a catch: it contains backdoor access for the UK government.
Internet service providers tracking your online activity for profit
While we are well aware that big Internet companies such as Google, Yahoo and Facebook are in the business of monitoring our online habits to shore up their revenues through ads, there is some sort of deeper Web tracking activity going on that may have slipped our notice.