E-commerce is pretty big and is giving power to small business owners who want to find success online – and growing numbers speak for themself. Of course, a small business that wants to get into e-commerce needs to figure out the best platform for this, which is where WooCommerce comes in.
It is one of the most effective and easy to use online platforms for e-commerce. The following will help you understand everything there is to know about WooCommerce and how it may help a small business flourish.
What Exactly is WooCommerce?

This popular platform is usually connected to WordPress, which is not surprising as WooCommerce uses that company’s powerful publishing platform. Some online merchants start with a basic store plug-in and slowly transition to WooCommerce.
Still, there is more to this e-commerce tool than meets the eye. First off, it is an open-source plug-in that was designed to help WordPress users operate their site as an e-commerce site a little more easily. The tool was also designed with small and large businesses in mind because it can accommodate large e-commerce needs as well as smaller needs from up-and-coming online businesses.
The tool has been so effective that it rose in popularity amongst e-commerce business owners. Now, it powers about 22 percent of the top one million sites out there. Sure, there are some competitors out there, but none of them come close to WooCommerce’s numbers.
The company continues to add new innovations to make transactions between customer and the site easier, which should help propel it forward. WooCommerce has even taken major steps to integrate mobile devices into their repertoire. With all of these moves, there is no telling how far it will go in this booming industry.
Why Should You Use WooCommerce?
The fact that a lot of small online businesses trust this tool and that it is free could be good reasons to use WooCommerce or at least try it, but there are other reasons to highlight.
The platform’s popularity has given rise to an entire sub-section of experts, such as WeCommmerce hosting businesses as well as WooExpert consultants, just to name a few. Having many additional components should help a small business owner use this tool to its fullest ability.
Sure, some small businesses might want to try some other well-known platform because offers different options, or it may be cheaper, but this does not always pan out well (here you can see the comparison between WooCommerce, Shopify and BigCommerce). Using a more established e-commerce tool helps reduce roadblocks you might have to deal with when working with new e-commerce tools.
Hopefully, this information helps small online business owners understand how important e-commerce tools like WooCommerce truly are. Yes, learning the intricacies of WooCommerce may seem a little overwhelming, but the tool is worth the extra effort. Plus, there are a lot of resources out there that will help you get started.
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