Instagram is home to over one billion users as of this year, making it an incredibly diverse platform; one of the best in the world, in fact. With such enormous reach and ideas from all over the world pouring in every minute, it can be difficult to think of content to post to attract the most followers you can.
You need compelling content to keep people coming back to your page. Here are some popular content ideas that have stood the test of time, and also some new ones that are predicted to sweep the platform in the coming months.

Behind the Scenes Shots
People actually love a good behind the scenes shot. Whether you’re a video production company or a wellness channel, showing your followers how you operate behind closed doors not only gives them an idea of the amount of work you put into your content, but also displays a level of transparency your competition doesn’t even come close to.
People are fascinated by the inner-workings of content creation, that’s why DVDs used to include an extra disc filled with bonus features on how the movie was made.
Genuine Content
There’s been a dramatic shift in Instagram’s content of late. With the like button going away in the near future, users are focusing on posting more genuine content instead of just posting for the likes. There seems to have been an authenticity problem on Instagram for some time, with users opting to use filtered photos, edited videos, and half-truths in order to portray a sense of perfection or superiority. This has actually led to problems with mental health in young people; hence the removal of the like button by Instagram.
This year, makeup-less selfies, shameless body-positivity shots, and more will likely fill your feed as users yearn for more authenticity on a platform that’s home to a seventh of the world’s population. Most of those users are under 35, so they’re feeling the effects of a decade of doctored-up photos and downright lies.
Personal Growth Stories
One thing that people never seem to get sick of is a good personal growth story. Overcoming adversity is a universal human struggle, and to see someone else overcome challenges with finesse is not only inspiring and uplifting but can make us feel much better about the world at large. Where the media likes to focus on the negativity in our world, personal growth stories speak to human perseverance and raw emotion, which is something your followers will eat up.
A good personal growth story can be documented on Instagram for the world to see, and you might be amazed at the feedback you receive. These stories have been said to inspire those in similar situations to pick themselves up and press forward, and there’s simply no greater reward than knowing you helped change someone’s life.
IGTV Content
IGTV is one of Instagram’s newest features, and seems to be making waves as it grows older. Introduced as a standalone app, this powerful feature allows Instagram users to post long-form video content up to an hour long; giving content creators an outlet they didn’t previously have before on the platform.
Instagram aims to compete with the likes of YouTube with this move, but we have yet to see just how much of an impact this new tool will make. What is clear, however, is that its users are happy about the new platform and are taking full advantage.
Travel Content
Going on a vacation to Yellowstone this year? Miami? Europe? Did you know that many people now use Instagram as a travel guide to plan vacations? That’s right; detailed itineraries of users’ vacations have become something of a planning tool for many users, helping them decide which spots to visit, which restaurants to try out, or which lodging to use.
Using your page to create detailed posts about the world’s best vacation spots can be a great way to attract more followers from all over the world. It’s different when vacation information comes from a real person on Instagram. Where a travel agency is really trying hard to sell a vacation for a profit, real people are simply sharing for the sake of sharing; making it a more genuine experience overall.
People love good design, whether it’s crochet, graphic arts, or architecture. If you’re a particularly talented artist or designer, consider creating an Instagram page to showcase your talents. You’ll be amazed at how many people enjoy seeing other people’s design and artistic abilities! Design pages are some of the most popular on the platform, so start posting today and see how many followers appreciate your individual skills.
Fitness Content
Fitness is a popular category across pretty much every social media platform. Fitness awareness is at an all-time high as obesity rates climb across the globe, and people are always looking for an inspirational fitness story or a new workout routine. If you’re a fit individual, you can share your secrets with your followers. Alternatively, if you’re unfit and looking to make the journey towards physical fitness, people may find your journey inspiring as well.
Fitness content will pretty much always be relevant, but if you want to stand out, you’re going to need to be unique. Anyone can post a picture of themselves lifting weights or jogging; it’s more about the emotional connection you can create with followers.
Health and Wellness Content
In addition to fitness are health and wellness. This includes diet, exercise, and mental health. These pages receive a lot of attention for the simple fact that people are always looking for ways to improve their overall level of health.
You can post healthy recipes, diet suggestions, workouts, or mental health regimens on your page to attract a wide audience to your content. Happy posting, and remember, the more genuine you are, the better!
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